Friday, November 26, 2004

Friday 26th November - Caught outside with my trousers down.
10.81 Kms - 50 mins 36 seconds - 4m 41s per km

Today was one of those days when I really didn't feel like going out for a run. To be honest the whole week has felt much the same. If I had to rate my chances of getting out of the door it would have been at best 50/50. As it happens I am so glad I did, some of the most enjoyable runs are those when really I didn't want to go out but made myself make the effort all the same. As an extra bonus I even managed my second best time for the route, which isn't bad considering having to be a little bit careful due to the snow and to slow down to rearrange my running bottoms a few times.

It was about 20 mins into the run I start to notice the top of my backside getting cold. Not so surprising I guessed, it was minus 10 after, odd that it was just the top section of my bum but still. Then the cold started to creep downwards keeping in a straight line like a cold front. It took a while to realise that my long johns were falling down. (Okay so they may not be the height of fashion but you would have to be a real fashion victim not to have a pair here and whos to know apart from when they start falling down and you have to keep on yanking when back up while trying to keep running)

In the end I gave up trying and just let them fall and this probably had the side effect that today's good time was probably due to not wishing to freeze my butt off. It was probably also due to have someone on a push bike about 50 meters ahead of me during the last section of the course and me trying to catch and overtake them. In the end the inconsiderate biker choose to take a different route but it was good fun while it lasted.


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