Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Monday 29th November - Long runs are for Sundays.
17.4 Kms ? - 1 hour 41 mins 48 seconds

Stepping foot outside the door for a long run after having worked a full physical labour isn't the easiest of things to do. I noticed myself creating extra little jobs that had to be done before I could go out. I knew from the start it wasn't going to be a "full" long run as to attempt the 27kms that had been planned for Sunday would have alerted the little men in white coats to my presence. Even so it took a lot of effort to get out. But it had to be run, the one run you are not meant to miss is the weekly long run, and I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I had allowed myself to wimp out.

Once on the move it wasn't so bad. I just kept breaking the route down into smaller sections and telling myself once you have completed this part you will feel happier, before moving onto the next little section and repeating until I found myself stumbling back to my front door. Not the greatest run in the world but it was done. To look on the bright side it was a new route so I guess I can claim a new PB as well.

As for today I have moved my rest day forward one day. Listen to your body they say. Well I have and the language it was coming out with would have turned the air blue. So body and mind have compromised and we will be back on the road again tomorrow.


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Hi James,
Just came across your training blog. Good idea - I just started one too a week ago! Well done on getting into London. I've done it the last two years but am moving to Australia in April this year where I will continue my running.
Check out my blog if you'd like at www.sub3hour.blogspot.com
All the best in your training.

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